Child Custody

Child Custody Lawyers Toronto
If you landed on this page, you may require the assistance of a child custody lawyer in Toronto. Rely on Gottlieb Family Law when you demand excellence, commitment and experience.
There is nothing more important to you than your children when you are considering separating. Gottlieb Family Law understands this. To help you better understand the complex area of the law, Gottlieb Family Law outlines below some important concepts for you.
“Custody” means the legal ability and responsibility to make major decisions for a child’s care and upbringing such as:
Where they will live;
Where they will go to school;
What medical treatment they will receive; and
What religion they will practise.
Different types of custody include:
Sole custody: one person has the responsibility and authority to make major decisions about a child’s care and how they will be raised. Usually, but not always, the child lives primarily with the person with sole custody.
Joint custody: two people, usually the parents, share the responsibility for making decisions for a child. It does not necessarily mean that a child will spend “equal” time with both parents.
Shared custody: Both parents share the responsibility for making decisions and caring for the child. Under the Child Support Guidelines, shared custody is where a child lives at least 40% of the time with each parents.
Split custody: Parents have more than one child together and each parent has one or more child(ren) living primarily with him or her.
In most circumstances, the courts will not interfere with an agreement made by parents about custody and access. If parents or guardians cannot come to an agreement, they must go to court, or hire a child custody lawyer or mediator to help resolve the issues.
Asking the courts to resolve custody disputes is emotionally draining. In making its decision, the court will consider the Divorce Act, the Family Law Act, the Children’s Law Reform Act, results of court-ordered assessments, and the decisions in prior court cases. Further, pursuant to the Children’s Law Reform Act, the child must also be habitually resident in Ontario for an Ontario court to make custody or access orders. Primarily, courts tend to look at what is in the best interests of the child, when determining who gets custody and access.
Making decisions about child custody can be very difficult and quite complex. Our child custody lawyers in Toronto will help you understand your legal rights and obligations, and help you to create the best possible arrangement for you and your children. We will guide you through the complexities of this area of the law ensuring you are emotionally and legally supported throughout. Click on the link below to arrange for your consultation with any one of our very experienced child custody lawyers.
For more information contact Gottlieb Law Firm located in the Greater Toronto Area,
call us at (416) 227-1653 or send us an email at:
Areas of Practice
Here’s what you can expect from some of the best family lawyers in Toronto. We are prepared to help you in all areas of family law. Our areas of practice include divorce, mediation, separation agreements, child custody, child protection, child support, spousal support, property asset division, restraining orders, and more.
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